3rd week set foot onto Lawas .. How I, how am I .. How am I doing , you may ask :) Doing just fine but as you know, yalah kannn I am as I am .. Smiling, but above all those sweet streak of joy smile, under~ only He knows! If only, I could go back home everyday after Work kan ? Haaaaaaaaaaaa .. ;o
I am. However, blessed I may say :) I am showered with good friends, lots of 'gaya tersendiri' but yeah , I add and get more contacts and this time yes will touch hearts. Lots of hearts, through the way .. I hope and I wish to ..
Well, nevertheless, this restless heart memang can't stop .. being restless . To distract myself, I hope and looking forward to whatever there are to- dos and plans over the Weekends ! If only Kuching- Lawas are like ONE kilometre apart ??! I wish the Borneo Island, we call Sarawak; is a round, ball- like island instead of the roaster/ chicken- looking island we all can see on the map ! Kan dekaaaaaaaaaaaaaat ? ;{
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