**people during steam boating session**

**happy- happy- yayy faces here, too! ;p **
**The round (umm, ovalish) table**
-dated 19 July' 08-
**people during steam boating session**
**happy- happy- yayy faces here, too! ;p **
**The round (umm, ovalish) table**
-dated 19 July' 08-
baby pinQ baru bgn, only then she realised she go jog jog... wahuhhh! ;))
daddy seems abit lelah ord hahaahah *wink*
daddy kah daddy- who sbenarnya yang lelah?... ;))
she's wondering where in the world mommy daddy bringing her to...i was also curious if the mozzies comes out and bite her, but hey when we went back i did a spot- check all around her body kan.. Yayyyy! Takda! Not even a spot, a dot pun! haha
Bulan 'working' psst, working on the i am thinking pose :))
this is Bulan the *ohh ahh* i am stunted, big time.
Big ekor ayam behind me head! :))
And this Bulan got interframed by someones' fingers hmmmph...
haha.. but cool lah ey :))
she...is the apple of my Eyes